

End Hunger Connecticut! is committed to working with local, state, and national organizations, leaders, and legislators to advocate for policy changes that protect food access and improve all aspects of wellbeing for Connecticut’s residents. EHC! supports policy actions addressing the intersectionality of food security and other basic needs.


1 in 9 People are Food Insecure in Connecticut. You can be an anti-hunger advocate.

There’s a lot of information out there; make sure you’re looking at the right resources. Browse some of the sites we trust for current information, news, statistics, policies, and more related to food security and human needs in Connecticut and beyond.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS)
Food and Research Action Center
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Stay up to date with issues and policies surrounding anti-hunger initiatives and human needs by informing yourself and sharing with others. A great way to be an advocate is to follow legislative actions, speak out at public hearings, and contact your local Legislators about issues. Also, you can submit comments during public comment periods for proposed policy changes.

Use the link above to locate your State and Federal Legislative Members.  Many bill proposals often develop from a conversation between elected officials and concerned citizens. Legislators want to hear from their constituents – that’s you! Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Ask your legislators to protect programs that help the hungry; any cut or added cost to low-income people will affect their ability to buy food.

Urge them to support increased funding and awareness of hunger in Connecticut – including access to SNAP and other federal food assistance programs.

Thank them for their time.

A great way to get your point across and create a buzz around an issue is to submit a letter to your local paper. Look at the Editorial page in your newspaper or on their website for official submission rules.

Be short and to the point – Respond to a relevant article already published, or start a new conversation related to what is going on in your community.

Send your letter to multiple papers – You can submit one letter to more than one publication. You never know who your words will reach when you share them far and wide!

Attend community events, engage with local radio and news outlets, speak with elected public officials, and share resources with those in your circle to spread information and concern about hunger and poverty in Connecticut. The more you talk, the more you’re heard!

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Follow us on social media to stay up to date with our organization and the most current announcements, news, politics, and calls-to-action around hunger locally and nationwide.