Access to Food & Nutrition
is a Human Right
Yes, the exclamation point is part of our name – and for good reason. End Hunger Connecticut! (EHC!) believes that every individual, child, and family deserve proper access to food and nutrition, and NO ONE should have to wonder where their next meal is coming from.
Founded in 2001, End Hunger Connecticut! (EHC!) is a statewide anti-hunger nonprofit in Connecticut dedicated to eliminating hunger and promoting healthy nutrition through outreach, public education, and legislative and administrative advocacy. By partnering with state and local officials, schools, and community-based organizations, EHC! enhances the visibility and coordination of federal food assistance programs crucial to any effort to improve food security while increasing both family well-being and the amount of federal funding available to the state. EHC! also engages in strategic outreach, capacity building, and provides technical assistance on food and nutrition programs.

EHC! staff, interns and volunteer pose for a group photo after the CT Summer Meals Kick Off Event on Sunday, June 25th.
Who We Are:
End Hunger Connecticut! is a statewide anti-hunger and food security organization. By focusing on advocacy, outreach, education and research, EHC! serves as a comprehensive anti-hunger resource for policymakers, community organizers and low-income families.
Our Mission to Our Community:
Our mission is to end hunger in Connecticut through legislative and administrative advocacy, outreach and public education.
Our Pledge to Our Staff, Interns and Volunteers:
End Hunger Connecticut! agrees to provide and sustain a culture of safety, offering clear expectations and a non-judgmental environment rooted in integrity, reliability and generosity.