The number of people in Connecticut who are living below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
The number of children in Connecticut who are living in poverty.
The number of eligible working poor in Connecticut participating in food programs. Many go to food pantries instead for food.
Source: Feeding America
EHC! is a critical resource for policymakers, community organizations, & residents in the fight to increase food security in Connecticut.
Our SNAP Call Center allows us to understand the challenges our families face and helps inform policy work to reduce food insecurity in Connecticut.
With over 400 meal sites statewide, the USDA Summer Meals Program ensures that children have access to free, nutritious meals when school is out – no questions asked.
The Connecticut Alliance for Basic Human Needs (CABHN) is a statewide network of more than 3000 members who work together to address issues that impact lower-income families and communities throughout Connecticut.

“My family has been through some very hard times and the people at End Hunger CT! go above and beyond to help no matter how big or small the issue. SNAP helps me feed my family. I don’t know what we would do without our SNAP benefits.”
AMPARO │Client

“It’s been great working with the staff at EHC! Everyone is so nice and they always do the best for their clients. Our family depends on SNAP, and it’s great having the people at End Hunger CT! helping us no matter what time day or night and even weekends we can call them and they will help.”

“I’ve been coming to EHC! for years. They always take the time to help us seniors in the community. It’s hard to do all that stuff on the computer so I go there and they help me with everything – they explain it so I understand. I wouldn’t be able to eat if I didn’t get help from End Hunger CT!”