Photo: End Hunger Connecticut! Policy Director Lucy Nolan testifies to the Committee on Children in favor of SB 929, An Act Expanding School Meal Programs to Provide Free School Meals to All Students at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.
(Hartford, CT) –
“We’re shocked that the Appropriations Committee has not proposed any funding for school meals for all, given the crisis we saw last fall when federal funding for school meals ended. Meal debt soared. Kids went hungry, and couldn’t concentrate or learn.
“We know from experience that no cost meals have reduced stigma and bullying in schools, while allowing students to focus on learning. Providing no cost meals for all students is the most direct way to help kids, their families and the community by improving student outcomes, and supporting families struggling with inflation and the high cost of food.
“Is Connecticut really going to prioritize giving minimal tax cuts and growing the state’s already-enormous savings account over feeding hungry children and helping working families struggling with inflation and high food costs? The state is awash in surplus dollars.
“This budget proposal makes no sense. Our coalition will continue to work to throughout this session to prove to legislators that this is an important and necessary investment in our schools, students and their families.”
School Meals for All Press Contact:
Patty McQueen, 860-985-3533
About us: End Hunger CT! works statewide to eliminate hunger and promote healthy nutrition through outreach, public education, and advocacy. EHC! offers SNAP assistance, nutrition program promotion, doubles SNAP at farmers’ markets, and more to help CT residents in need. To learn more about our services, click here.
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